Live Cam Girls

Recent changes and Featured Status for models

Changes and Featured Status for Jasmin Cam Girls on GirlsOfJasmin

You may have noticed that in the last 2 weeks we have applied a series of changes and updates to the front end of the website.

Please find below some short explanations about these updates:

* Most important update that affect and improve exposure for cam girls of LiveJasmin is the Featured Status.
Webcam performers that stream on Jasmin have the option to receive this status at absolutely no cost until February 28. Besides, all models featured on GirlsOfJasmin are also featured on other high-traffic Jasmin whitelabels.
Featured models appear on top of all other Jasmin performers on pages like: Cam Models, Online Now, Top Rated, Fresh, Photos and the new Cam Girls on Twitter.

* Cam Girls on Twitter is also a new addition to the GirlsOfJasmin service; a place where visitors and potential members can reach their favorite cam girls on Twitter.
This section was built with social interaction between performers and members in mind. Plus, it will help increase your social fan base if you are already present on GirlsOfJasmin .

* While photo albums are a huge success to public, we thought that video galleries will also bring you (Jasmin Cam Models) alot more traffic and fans. Therefore, please welcome the GirlsOfJasmin Video Gallery.
Since this section is young at this point, you can help us make it grow by sending us your video links on either Twitter or by email and we will upload them shortly. Videos showing up in this section are also listed and available to play in the models' profiles.

We're working hard to increase the functions and traffic to our website and your profiles, but your help is always appreciated. That's why we would like to take this chance to invite you to communicate any idea you might have that would make this community bigger and even more appealing.

We hope you'll be having lots of fun here and that all information you'll discover at GirlsOfJasmin will be useful. Don't forget to visit the Jasmin Cam Girl of your choice by clicking on her profile image.